We had Nathan's big Banquet tonight..... It was a lot of work for us parents, and emotional too! Nathan had to give up his captains hat to next years captains, but the highlight of the evening was he and Matt Torntory won the "Heart of the Hawk" award - the highest award that can be given based on spirit, leadership, team, ethics, and sportsmanship. This is the second time Nathan has won this award! Coaches (and parents) had some amazing, nice things to say about Nathan.....
Oh yes, and my slideshow was a hit too -- big whew! 2,000 pictures filtered to 400 getting at least a couple of 60 kids into each, sorted by event and race, and crammed into a 13 minute video, made compatible with ancient school tech equipment. The kids loved it, specially when the song "What the Fox says!" came on!